
February 15, 1995
RE: Bruce Ege
Dear Kirk and Terry:
This letter is just a follow up to all of our verbal
commendations for the wonderful job Ege is doing for Comerica.
In his latest capacity for us as a project manager for
Tower preconstruction preparation and department relocations, he has once again proven
himself invaluable.
Our end users say Ege is "so good, so helpful, so accommodating; he gets customer
input and really cares about helping us: he's a joy to work with. "
Ege always strives to take care of business in the most
cost effective manner while maintaining the best of customer service. It is such a
tremendous bonus to be able to assign a task to Ege (anywhere in the Metroplex) and know
that it will be done right the first time and be done timely.
Thanks for sending us such a jewel!
Jan Cross
Project Mgmt. Coordinator
Real Estate & General Services |
Connie Starr, IIDA
Project Manager
Real Estate & General Services |
- PS: Dear Kirk and Terry:
As an additional note, we'd like to express our
appreciation for the assistance Ege is providing Connie and Jan. We not only are hearing
good results from other departments, but its nice to have Connie and Jan back in the
office more.
Adena Nichols
Vice President
Real Estate & General Services |
- David Minkus
Senior Vice President
Operations & Business Support